Cycle Dynamics Padded Shorts
The Cycle Dynamics Padded Shorts are the only padded shorts we know of developed specifically for children. The secret these shorts hide is in the padding. Every manufacturer uses an “off the shelf” crotch pad, and these pads only come in certain sizes – usually meant for adults. This means that you will often find the same size pad used in a pair of shorts to fit a 5 year old and 14 year old in from the same manufacturer.
It goes without saying that this approach just doesn’t work. The net result is an over-sized pad which looks daft, and often gets in the way more than it actually helps. It also means that most ranges cannot scale smaller than around age 6, as the pad is actually bigger than the shorts
Cycle Dynamics have designed these shorts from the ground up, including investment in new tooling and pads, scaled precisely for the smaller riders, making these by far the best choice in Cycle Shorts for kids on the market (In our opinion at least!).